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Interview rapid.tech 3D 2025

Interview with Dr. Özlem Weiss

Additive manufacturing in chemistry and process engineering is a relatively new topic at rapid.tech 3D. It was intoduced by Dr. Özlem Weiss, a chemist with a doctorate and managing director of Expertants GmbH. She is currently preparing the third edition of the expert forum for the event in Erfurt.

rapid.tech 3D
Erfurt, Germany


Dr. Weiss, how did the Chemistry & Process Engineering Forum come onto the rapid.tech 3D agenda?

Additive manufacturing has been playing a role in the chemical industry for some time. However, the topic is still largely under the radar, despite its great importance. This is because, on the one hand, the chemical industry is providing an increasingly high-performance range of materials for industrial 3D printing. On the other hand, it is itself becoming a beneficiary of this technology thanks to new freedoms in plant engineering. Therefore, we decided to give the topic its own platform. The response to the two previous events shows that we have hit the mark. We are pleased to have a competent cooperation partner in DECHEMA, which is also supporting this year's expert forum.

What topics are on the agenda this year?

After providing an initial overview of additive manufacturing in chemical process engineering and then clustering the topics last year, a large part of this year's forum is dedicated to the development and commercial application of certified critical metallic AM components in chemical plants. We are also turning to a new area and presenting examples of how the pharmaceutical industry uses additive manufacturing. We will also be looking at new applications using ceramic and polymer materials.

You have also brought AM topics from the medical sector to rapid.tech 3D in the past. Now, such topics are returning to the program. What are they and what are the reasons for this?

Medical technology is one of the pioneers in the field of additive manufacturing. The industry has a tremendous wealth of experience, especially in terms of innovation and profitability. This makes current developments and applications, including those from Siemens Healthineers, Evonik, and 3D Systems, a perfect fit for the "Innovations in AM" forum. There will also be expert panels on AM and medicine, for example, from the pharmaceutical industry. For example, on developments in the dental and orthopedic sectors. This networking format enables targeted exchange in small groups or in one-on-one discussions. As experts, we will moderate the panel discussion on dental technology and discuss, for example, current issues regarding the Medical Device Directive (MDR) in connection with AM.

What motivates you to get involved in rapid.tech 3D on such a large scale?

Erfurt offers a unique opportunity to bring together a globally relevant industry with the players and topics "on our doorstep," and also to give smaller companies a platform. This brings together a community that isn't purely a sales channel. Rather, the focus is on professional exchange, regardless of whether it's a large international corporation or a regional medium-sized business. This motivates us to continually embrace new topics and establish new formats. The fantastic collaboration within the Advisory Board and with other partners contributes significantly to this.

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Manuela Braune

Manuela Braune

Project Lead rapid.tech 3D
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