Check the 2025 congress program
Together with our highly committed advisory boards and valuable network partners such as the VDMA Additive Manufacturing Working Group, DECHEMA, 3D-MID or the AM Platform, we are developing the high-quality and diverse congress program. The topics, speakers and companies are announced. Regular updates are published here.
Find out more about the various aspects of the 3D conference program.
Keynotes & Panel Discussions
Four keynotes and two panel discussions - discover now!
VDMA Forum AM4industry
The conceptual sponsor of 3D will present its own professional forum on May 13.
Forum AM Science
On May 13, presentations on the latest AM research are waiting for you - discover them now!
Forum Aerospace
On May 13, you can hear the latest news from the aerospace industry - discover it now!
Forum Chemistry & Process Engineering
In cooperation with DECHEMA, a varied program of lectures has been put together for May 14.
Forum Electronics & Components
On May 14, printed electronics will be the focus with our partner 3D-MID.
Forum Mobility
Additive Technologies in the mobility sector take center stage on May 15 - find out now!
Forum Software, AI & Design
Data is the new gold. News from the world of software & co. on May 15.
Forum Innovations in AM
On May 15, the focus will be on defense and medicine.
Forum Energy & Hydrogen
If you are interested in energy applications, May 15 is the right time for you.
It is the personal contact that counts - with us you will be able to expand your network in a targeted manner.
What you can expect at our specialist congress in Erfurt in May 2025:
- 4 first-class keynote speakers - In this year we are proud to welcome: Pat Warner of BWT Alpine Formula One Team, Dr. Karl-Heinz Dusel of MTU Aero Engines, Max Schaukellis of Roland Berger as well as Dr. Remzi Ecmel Ece von Turkish Aerospace Industries
- 2 insightful panel discussions
- 8 user-driven AM forums:
- Aerospace - with talks by Liebherr-Aerospace, CHESCO, Ariane Group, Materialise, Fraunhofer EMI, Howmet Tital as well as Pioneer Aeronautics Innovation
- Mobility - with talks by Sauber Motorsport, Mercedes-Benz, iwis e-tec GmbH, M&H CNC Technik and more to come
- Chemistry & Process Engineering - with talks by Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH together with BaehrCon , KSB SE together with FUNKE Wärmeaustauscher Apparatebau, WZR Ceramics, Hülsenbusch together with Rosswag Engineering, Replique together with BASF and more to come
- Electronics & Components - with talks by xtpl, Nanoe, Helmholtz Institut, TechBlick, 3-D MID/Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and PROTIQ GmbH together with Weisser Spulenkörper
- Software, AI & Design - with talks by Deloitte, Siemens & KIT, CT Core Technology, pedcad foot technology, Grant Thornton and more to come
- Energy technology & hydrogen - with talks by MAN Energy Solutions, Scanlab, headmade materials, Energy & Turbomachinery Network, Whitecell Eisenhuth and more to come
- Innovations in AM with two focus areas: Defence (Hensoldt, Diehl & Airbus) and Medical (Siemens Healthineers, Kumovis GmbH - a 3D Systems company, Evonik and more to come)
- VDMA AM4industry - Enabling & Using Robotics - Fraunhofer IAPT / Siemens AG, Toolcraft AG, Schubert Additive Solutions GmbH / Siemens AG, LIGHTWAY GmbH, ARBURGadditive GmbH + Co KG, Additive Industries b.v. / K3D b.v. as well as DMG MORI / Böllhoff GmbH & Co. KG
- 1 quality-approved AM science forum
And furthermore:
- Technical Deep Dives Tour
- AM Science Poster Slam
- 6 Expert Tables: 1. Standards & standardization --- 2. Dental requirements for AM --- 3. AM & orthopaedic technology --- 4. AM & MedTech --- 5. AM and tool making --- 6. Large-format PBF/LB-M: opportunities and challenges
And of course there will again be plenty of time for networking: whether at lunch, the After Work Event on May 13, the evening event on May 14 in the Parksaal of the Arena Erfurt or the obligatory Thuringian bratwurst in the outdoor area or the beautiful old town of Erfurt!