rapid.tech 3D

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Conceptual sponsor and partner

rapid.tech 3D - an event organised by the industry for the industry. Thanks to our partners and conceptual sponsor, rapid.tech 3D has a broad network of experts at its disposal.

The conceptual sponsor of rapid.tech 3D is:

Working Group Additive Manufacturing

The international partners of rapid.tech 3D are:

AMTech Expo

AM Chronicle

AM Platform


The national partners of rapid.tech 3D are:

3D Pioneers Challenge

Building 3D e.V.

DECHEMA -  Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.

Verband 3D-Druck e.V.

3-D MID e.V.
Räumliche Elektronische Baugruppen

The media partners of rapid.tech 3D are:

AM Chronicle

Additive Fertigung

Springer Nature Progress in Additive Manufacturing


RTe Journal


Metal AM Magazine

3D Adept Mag

3D Natives

MM MaschinenMarkt

MM Newsletter

SMM Schweizer Maschinenmarkt



Kopra Newsletter

Manufacturing Technology 